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Doug Gottlieb on Paul George's Max Contract Extension: 'The NBA is Drunk'

Doug Gottlieb: “The NBA is drunk. What happens when you’re drunk? When you’re drunk you think oftentimes that things are better, or easier than they actually are, and it takes you away from some of the reality… If you have a bad year and you’re in a contract dispute, are you going to get a raise, an extension, and double your money?? This is why the NBA is drunk; there is no reality to it. In reality, no second-best player on a team that underachieves would ever get a supermax contract. That doesn’t make any sort of sense, but welcome to the NBA. You’re bidding against yourself. There literally is no one on earth who can give him a supermax contract because you own his ‘Bird’ rights, yet you’re going to still give him a supermax contract when nobody believedshe’s the best player on that team, he didn’t have a good year, and he didn’t earn the complete respect of his locker room or his coaching staff?? That doesn’t make sense, but OF COURSE, it doesn’t make sense. OF COURSE it’s not equitable, OF COURSE they underachieved and he's as much to blame as anybody else, and yet they still gave him this ridiculous deal. Not because they’re the Clippers, but that’s just the NBA, and that’s what the NBA does… The NBA is drunk, it lacks reality and an understanding of how real business works.” (Full Video Above)

Listen to Doug Gottlieb react to Paul George’s shocking contract extension with the Los Angeles Clippers, which will net the maligned All-Star $226 million over the next five years.

The move was derided around the league for a player coming off his worst statistical season since 2015, and a guy who was instrumental in the Clippers' playoff collapse at the NBA's Bubble.

Check out the video above as Gottlieb explains why the Clippers and the NBA as a whole are DRUNK and have completely lost a sense of reality when it comes to business and finance.

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