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Clay Travis: Writer Should Retract Statement Guaranteeing Death This Season

Clay Travis: Writer Should Retract Statement Guaranteeing Death This Season

The college football season has come and gone, but it did not come without tremendous hurdles and obstacles. Before the season started, there was serious doubt about the season taking place at all. It wasn't long ago that the Big 10 and Pac 12 were "sitting out" while other conferences were playing games.

Clay takes some time this morning to call out a particular article from a known website which stated this past summer that if college football was played, then at least one player would die, and likely 3-7 players would die from COVID-19. This obviously was not the case at all. Nobody died and the season was completed on Monday night when Alabama won another title.

Clay believes that the writer and publisher of this story should own up to their mistake and retract the statements and claims that they made over the summer. The writer literally guaranteed the death of college football players. He found an "expert" who had that opinion, and then ran with it.

There will likely be no retraction or apology issued, and that is part of this major problem. There is no accountability, and this leads to further lack of trust and disconnect from readers and sports fans across the country.

Clay brings in the Outkick crew to get their thoughts and opens the studio-lines to hear from listeners across the country.

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