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Marcus Freeman: Some Players Need to Be “Encouraged in a Loud Voice”

Notre Dame Head Football Coach, Marcus Freeman joins Dan Patrick on The Dan Patrick Show live in Dublin, Ireland as the Irish prepare to open their season against Navy in Dublin’s Aviva Stadium on Saturday. He manages to snub honorary Danette Will Ferrell on his way in but gets a pass considering he just landed this morning and hasn’t slept. They hit on everything from his coaching style to his personal workout routine, to the game on Saturday and his impact on players.

Marcus Freeman: “I’m intentional about the way I coach and ultimately, it’s to get the best out of your players. And there’s different ways, you can’t coach everybody the same. Certain guys need to be yelled at, and pushed at, and encouraged in a loud voice but...”

Dan Patrick: “Encouraged in a loud voice... [laughter]”

Marcus: “[Laughter] ...and some need to be brought to the side and you need to talk to them and see, you know, ‘Hey, you’re not doing exactly what we want, how do we get this changed...’”