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Urban Meyer Will Coach USC Football

Clay Travis has a prediction he feels incredibly bold about going forward with former Ohio State coach, Urban Meyer's career. Travis believes that college football has not seen the last of Meyer and you should see him return to the helm coaching for USC in about a year. Travis said the following:

"Urban Meyer's gonna sit-out for a year, he's miraculously gonna get healthy, he'll only be 55 years old, which is younger than Nick Saban was when he went to Alabama and started his dominant dynasty. Urban Meyer is gonna sit around for a year, he may do TV, he's not gonna really like it, his kids are grown and he's gonna be kickin' around the house having nothing to do...

USC is gonna fire Clay Helton and their gonna be looking for a savior and their gonna pay Urban Meyer 10 million dollars a year and by this time in 2020, right after the first of the year, Urban Meyer's gonna be throwing up the 'V.' He's gonna be the next head coach of USC."

Listen to Clay's full take below.

Urban Meyer Will Coach USC