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Change Is in the Air in Seattle

Photo: Tim Warner

The Seattle Seahawks dropped another game, and it has become abundantly clear that change is coming to the franchise. Wilson was vocal about his frustrations in the offseason and now has endured his first losing season in the NFL. It feels like the relationship between QB Russell Wilson and HC Pete Carroll has run its course and one of them must go. Dan thinks Wilson may move on from the Seahawks similarly to how Matthew Stafford left Detroit.

Dan Patrick: “Eventually franchises are forced to change. And it appears that change is in the air in Seattle... You could see a scenario where, similar to what happened with the Lions and Matthew Stafford, that maybe Russ says to Seattle, ‘Hey, can you send me to the Giants? You’re going to get draft picks in return. You guys can rebuild. You guys can do whatever you want, draft the quarterback you want to draft, whatever offense you want to run if you want to keep Pete Carroll as your head coach.’ Because it feels like it’s either Russ or Pete Carroll...and they can say all the right things, and nice things, and verbal bouquets, but I feel like, you know, relationships come to an end.”