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Brian Flores Got Bad Legal Advice

New York Jets v Miami Dolphins

Photo: Getty Images

Friday on 2 Pros and a Cup of Joe, Jonas Knox, Brady Quinn and LaVar Arrington react to teams defending themselves against allegations made by Brian Flores of racism and discrimination.

Brady Quinn: "It goes back to what's become public, and looking at it you're going, yeah there was some bribery there and are there issues with the NFL and their hiring practices for minority coaches, no one is going to deny that, but the examples you're trying to highlight and push forward aren't demonstrating that... As LaVar said all week, what's the end game, where does this go? Well it's not going to go anywhere if that's how you're putting this out. I think if you had your messaging be a little different and talked about some of the issues that's happening behind the scenes, then I think it sheds a different light on it, but this seems to be like it's not going anywhere fast. They're going to have a hard time proving it, at least based on what we know now."
LaVar Arrington: "The topic of minorities being hired is not a simple topic. It is clearly an issue. It is clearly a problem, but every single time a minority has an issue does not necessarily make it based on this premise. All respect due to what Brian Flores has accomplished, if I'm being honest, this is a man who had his ego bruised and hurt by how he felt things were handled and was looking to employ more people to come to his support and backing to validate what he was feeling. That's more personal than it is calling a whole group of people and their ethnic racial orientation to your defense. I'll be the first one, if I feel as though that's what it is, I'm going all in on it, but that ain't it right here."