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How You Should Specifically Bet On the Rams and Bengals in Super Bowl 56

Photo: Meg Oliphant

Today on “Straight Outta Vegas with RJ Bell,” RJ details how to specifically bet both the Los Angeles Rams and Cincinnati Bengals in Super Bowl 56. RJ covers the best strategies to put your money on the spread, money lines and more! 

RJ Bell: “The way to bet the Rams is the money line. You have a much better shot at winning more on the money line, rather than on the spread. But you should wait until game day to make this bet. So many people who don’t normally bet or aren’t familiar with gambling strategies bet on the Super Bowl and wait until the day of, and most bet on the underdog money line. Therefore, Vegas must make the favorite more attractive. That’s when you place your bet... 
The Bengals are a lot simpler because you bet on the spread. As far as when to bet them, that’s something to keep an eye on, and do a little research to look for the best bet for your money.”