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The Timberwolves’ Celebration Was Excessive but Appropriate

Photo: David Berding

The Minnesota Timberwolves beat the Los Angeles Clippers in the NBA Playoffs play-in game to secure the 7th seed in the Western Conference and they celebrated like they won a championship. Jumping on tables and crying with joy, their celebration has been lambasted as excessive and mildly comical. But Dan Patrick reminds us that the Timberwolves franchise hasn’t had much to cheer about in their history, and they had every reason to be that excited about their accomplishment.

Dan Patrick: “I’m OK with them celebrating. OK, I look at it this way; it’s a sliding scale... You know, you can’t say act like you’ve been there, because they haven’t been there before...that’s a good little nucleus they have there. I mean, they had 23 wins last year, they had 46 this year; celebrate!”