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Adam Levine Shirtless Sparking Outrage From Social Groups

Listen to Clay Travis chide and mock a news organization who made a tweet that attempted to rile up controversy around Adam Levine’s shirtless performance at the Super Bowl as it pertained to Janet Jackson’s infamous live performance at the event in 2004 dubbed the ‘Wardrobe malfunction.’

Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake changed the way Live television was broadcasted forever, with networks adopting ten-second delays after Jackson’s nipple was partially visible at one point during the musical act at Super Bowl 38 in Houston (Patriots vs. Panthers).

‘Some’ are arguing that last night presented a double-standard by CBS and the NFL, with Levine allowed to perform with his shirt off, while Jackson’s exposed nipple was considered one of the most taboo moments in television history.

Listen to Clay Travis give his take on the argument.

Adam Levine Shirtless Sparking Outrage From Social Groups