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Houston Bar Selling 'Snitches Get Stitches' Mugs With Mike Fiers' Picture

Evan Gattis might have Mike Fiers on his mind every time he takes a tip out of a mug.

The former Astros catcher and designated hitter on Friday showed off his new beer glass, which depicts Fiers’ face and the line, “snitches get stitches.” It was Fiers who blew the whistle of the Astros cheating scandal all the way back in November, going public about his former teammates illegally stealing signs during the 2017 season.

Now a Houston-area restaurant is selling beer glasses to blame Fiers for the secret getting out and Gattis was among those to get one before they sold out.

“For the record I have zero bad feelings towards Fiers,” Gattis tweeted on Saturday after his original tweet, showing off the glass, was met with some backlash. “We have actually texted and I hoped he didn’t get too much hate/ (actual scary hate mail, threats etc.) he was our teammate. I just thought the glass was funny.

Most would say Fiers did the right thing. The public had the right to know, and considering how MLB was dismissive of private complaints, the former Astros pitcher going public was the only way it was going to be revealed. Gattis looks foolish and vindictive here.