Photo: Jayne Kamin-Oncea
The Dan Patrick Show: 10/26/2021
The Houston Astros may be the least popular team to ever grace the World Series stage. With a mountain of detractors piled up after their cheating scandal, they simply can’t win for losing. Regardless of how this series plays out their reputation will remain tarnished, so they might as well put everything behind them, ignore the vitriol and just win.
Dan Patrick: “If you’re an Astros fan, you probably say, ‘Look, nobody’s going to like us, respect us, you know, we might as well win.’...And if you win, somebody’s going to inevitably say, ‘Well, why did you cheat in 2017? You can win a World Series without that.’ There no way around that... And if they don’t win, then you’ll have people who will say, ‘Oh, so you had to cheat to win a World Series!’ You know what, you’re on an island. Don’t worry about what anybody else says, go out there and just play. And if you win another World Series, yes, there are going to be critics, skeptics, absolutely. But who cares? Win!”