Photo: Jim McIsaac
The final results of the 2022 Baseball Hall of Fame vote will be released today, and steroid use continues to be a relevant story line, but Dan Patrick just doesn’t care anymore. He is tired of being the one policing the sport and thinks it may be time to just let them all in; it’s only a museum after all. Stick up a plaque detailing the scandal and call it done. This continued scrutiny and debate unfairly takes away from the celebration of those guys who are about to hear their names announced.
Dan Patrick: “I’m not wasting any time on this. You know, if baseball didn’t care about steroids, then why am I supposed to police the sport? It’s a damn museum. If you want to put them in, put them in the museum...Voters, you’re changing your opinion on steroids: who did it, how long did they do it, who didn’t do it, how do you know who did and didn’t...? It just gets to the point where it takes away from the game. Baseball lost this a long time ago. They cashed in their integrity a long, long time ago. It’s a wonderful sport, it still provides wonderful memories but, when it comes to steroids in or out, I don’t care anymore.”