Photo: Bob Levey
Today on The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon, Jason and Mike discuss the Astros tying up game 4 of the World Series. Although the victory included only the 2nd no-hitter in the history of the World Series, Jason and Mike can’t not harken back to MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred not punishing the Astros for cheating their way to World Series victories. Manfred’s career will be defined by him not punishing the Astros, and fans will never be able to forgive them despite their potential to win another World Series ring.
Jason Smith: “Rob Manfred’s era as the commissioner is going to be defined by not punishing the Astros who cheated to win two World Series, and fans are never going to forget it. Had he punished them, at this point, the story would be ‘look at the resurgence of the Astros,’ but since they weren’t punished it’s hard to forgive them. You just can’t!”
Mike Harmon: “This no-hitter and potential World Series win is huge for history, but it’s hard for people to get excited about what they’ve done. Did it have to be the Astros? You can put the asterisk behind it because there it wasn’t a single pitcher to pitch the no hitter!”