Photo: Sebastian Widmann
Today on The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon, Jason and Mike react to a report that discusses a potential return for Buccaneers QB Tom Brady to the New England Patriots. Despite there being many other options for Brady outside of New England, the guys tell you why Brady coming home to where it all started makes sense.
Jason Smith: “I can see Tom Brady going back to the Patriots. His life was upended, he left his longtime home, moved to Tampa, and got divorced. From a human standpoint, just like any divorced dad, he’s got to figure out his life. This is why New England makes sense for Tom Brady.”
Mike Harmon: “If Brady goes back to New England, you talk about familiarity with Bill Belichick and a guy you had a professional relationship. Sure you’re going to butt heads, but if it works it works. That’s in any type of business.”