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OddsShark Releases Odds for 2020 Presidential Election

We might be fresh into the first term of a brand new President, but that won't stop political intrigue from creeping into our everyday lives. 

Our friends at OddsShark officially posted their list of odds for the 2020 Presidential Election. Here are some of the notable names:

There are obviously a lot of names in there, so let's break down some of the best 'value' bets to make way too soon if you have some spare cash you want to put on a longshot. 


This one isn't sexy, but you get a surprisingly good return on a bet for the current VP. At 9/1 you are banking on election only results giving him the win, as I would imagine it doesn't take into consideration impeachment or taking office by default. Pence might come out of this current presidential term as the 'good guy' if Trump continues to alienate his own base and piss off the left. A guy who represents the "MAGA" thing, but isn't too closely associated in common conversation in case it all goes wrong. Safe bet.


If he runs, he probably wins. It's just a matter of convincing him to run. Biden is a likeable guy on both coasts, and in 3 years time people might be yearning for a semi-return to the Obama campaign (big maybe) and it's relative normalcy. Good return on a pretty conceivable bet.


This American success story ends with a run at the Oval Office. That is an absolute fact. With 70/1 odds, you might as well put a ten spot on his name every four years until he gets murdered by Russell Westbrook.


Just do this. Seriously. There isn't a hotter name right now (literally won hottest man) and everyone from your grandmother to your daughter loves the guy. We've already proven you need no experience to win, so why not. 

KEN BONE +100000

Just read this article.