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Pat Riley was Hypocrital in His LeBron Remarks

Yesterday a profile on Pat Riley was published by Wright Thompson, and in it was a detailed description of the reaction Pat Riley had to LeBron James' announcement to return to Cleveland following his stint in Miami.

Riley described how furious he was when LeBron didn't take his meeting seriously and then left, and said that he needed to be talked off the ledge so he didn't fire off a nasty message like Dan Gilbert did.

Yes, THAT Pat Riley who left several franchises for personal gain. 

Yes, THAT Pat Riley who benefitted from a decision like this just four years prior.

If there is one thing Colin Cowherd doesn't like it's hypocrites, and this is one of the most hypocritical statements of them all. Listen below.

You can hear The Herd with Colin Cowherd every weekday from 12-3 pm est. on Fox Sports Radio.