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Bill Simmons and Ryen Russillo Say Dennis Rodman is 'Boring'

Ryen Russillo: “Dennis Rodman is incredibly boring. Most people are not going to agree with me and I understand that. I respect everything he did as a rebounder and as a defensive player, and how he could adjust to everybody… But everybody does this thing with Rodman where it’s like ‘WHOA, I CAN’T WAIT FOR THE RODMAN EPISODE!’ It’s been the same stuff for decades. A lot of it is a study on us and how boring WE are where it’s like ‘this guy dyed his hair?! And he has tattoos?? That’s insane!’ Let’s get him on Barbara Walters and ask him questions and he does the same thing in every interview of ‘people don’t understand me’… Okay, well go – if people wanna talk all this sh*t abound Dennis Rodman, like feel free to explain something... Rodman has been a consistently underwhelming topic for such a long time and I’m sure people listening to this are thinking that’s crazy, but there is nothing new about it.”
Bill Simmons: “Episode 3 was my least favorite of the series. I love the series, I just know all the Rodman stuff, and I don’t think there’s a lot there… I’m bored by the Rodman stuff as well. I thought the same thing about the documentary about him. It was the same length as the ‘Bad Boy’ Pistons documentary that we made for ’30 for 30’. It was like Rodman’s story is just as long as the Bad Boy’s story?...A lot of that stuff obscured what a unique and awesome basketball player he was.”

Listen to Bill Simmons and Ryen Russillo discuss ESPN’s ‘The Last Dance’ documentary and attempt to explain why they believe Dennis Rodman is actually a ‘boring’ person, as both acknowledged they their opinions are obviously extremely contrarian, but believe the sheer enigma of Rodman has always disguised an empty personality.

Check out the video above as they tackle the task of explaining why they believe Rodman was never really an interesting individual.

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