Meet America's New Chief Geopolitical Expert

“Imagine if 5 years ago you had said ‘Guess what’s going to happen that is going to bring the world of sports and politics together? Donald Trump will be President, and Dennis Rodman, sponsored by pot cryptocurrency, will be meeting at a summit in Singapore.’”

-- Clay Travis

Clay Travis can only crack up when watching some of the news coverage Monday, as the mainstream media turned to a guy nicknamed ‘The Worm’ and who once wore a wedding dress announcing a marriage to himself, to provide ‘expert’ analysis for this week’s historic summit in Singapore between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un.

Travis says we're now living in a world where we no longer can differentiate from satire and real life, and says the news cycle appears more like Onion stories nowadays. If Donald Trump can be President of the United States and Dennis Rodman can be the top news source for geopolitical analysis, then literally ANYTHING is possible. 

“If you had seen The Onion 10 years ago, it would have said ‘Let’s go Live to Dennis Rodman to hear his deep knowledge of the President of the United States and North Korea’s dictator.’”

Travis thinks the fact that Dennis Rodman is now a leading voice in the geopolitical community as a statesman and expert analyst on a major TV network panel could possibly be the biggest upset in sports history, joining the likes of UMBC beating UVA and Buster Douglas knocking out Mike Tyson, and says don’t be surprised if Rodman wins the Nobel Peace Prize.

Listen to the full hilarious take below.

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