Andrea Kremer Details What It's Like To Be A Hall of Famer

Longtime journalist Andrea Kremer has received a lot of awards throughout her career, including several Emmy's and being inducted into the Philadelphia Sports Hall of Fame; but on Saturday night she may have received her greatest honor in being inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. As part of the 2018 festivities, Kremer received the Pete Rozelle radio-tv award and she joined Dan Beyer & Mike Harmon on FOX Sports Sunday to discuss what's it's like.

In her interview with Dan & Mike, she explained that while growing up she loved sports and knew she wanted to make a career of it but faced the uphill battle of breaking into an occupation primarily dominated by men. There are many women today that can use her success as a model to follow, but for Kremer, she had to create her own one-of-a-kind path in sports journalism.

She also talked about how grateful she is that so many athletes have chosen to share their stories with her over the years. Because of this, she stresses that she has always lived by the virtue that it is never about oneself in a story, but it is rather her job to help these athletes be understood.

Tune into FOX Sports Sunday w/ Dan Beyer & Mike Harmon from 9am - 12pm EST on FOX Sports Radio!

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