Parents at Little League Game Brawl on Field After Child Hits Out of Order

Heathenish parents in Lakewood, Colorado took part in an embarrassing ‘Malice at the Palace’ type brawl on the field during a youth baseball game after a 13-year-old umpire ruled that a seven-year-old child had batted out of order.

What then ensued was a disgraceful WWF Attitude Era type Royal Rumble on the field that saw dozens of parents spill onto the diamond to exchange fisticuffs.

TMZ obtained a nearly four-minute long cell phone video of the so-called adults slugging it out at Westgate Elementary School, with one idiot even brandishing an aluminum baseball bat, Sting style.

Thankfully, no children were hurt during the coup but one adult allegedly suffered broken ribs. Police say four people were cited, with one suspect still on the run (probably around the bases).

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