Why Aaron Rodgers Needs to Get Off His High Horse Bashing Colts Fans

Aaron Rodgers on Colts fans booing Andrew Luck: “I thought it was pretty disgusting. It should have been more of a standing ovation type thing and a ‘Thank You’ than boos.”
Colin Cowherd: “Aaron, you’re a smart guy and smarter than this. Sudden and jarring bad news always equals confusion and initial anger. Throw in four Bug Lights and you expect fans to contextualize it perfectly in the moment? Those fans were hanging around in the fourth quarter of a preseason game. THOSE are diehards who have named all their pets after Andrew Luck. I find the reaction to the fans reaction equally as ridiculous. Media get off your high horse. Aaron Rodgers, you’re smarter than that. Chill out and give the fans a break.”

Listen to Colin Cowherd defend Indianapolis Colts fans after ‘outrage’ was triggered in the media when Colts fans booed Andrew Luck leaving the field Saturday night when they had heard news of him retiring.

The media strongly condemned and patronized the fans’ actions, with Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers calling it ‘disgusting’ and said it should have been a ‘standing ovation’ instead.

Cowherd called Rodgers and the media’s reaction laughable and says these were diehard fans who stuck around at the end of the fourth quarter and who had probably been drinking all night. You expect these diehards – who are the type of people who name their kids and pets after players – to fully contextualize the moment as it’s happening??

Check out the audio below as Colin tells Rodgers and the media to get off their high horses.

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