How a Lawyer Might Advise Antonio Brown or His Accuser

Clay Travis: “If I were advising her I would say ‘If he raped you, you need to also be filing, simultaneously, a criminal complaint and open up an investigation into whether or not he raped you in Miami as well; with any evidence to support your charges that might be out there. If I were advising Antonio Brown, I would not want him to talk to the NFL or anybody, because in the event of criminal charges are filed, anything he says theoretically to the NFL or anyone else about these allegations could be used against him in court by the prosecution.” (Full Audio at Bottom of Page)

Listen to Clay Travis, a former attorney in the U.S Virgin Islands, offer theoretical legal advice to Antonio Brown and his accuser, as the star wide receiver found himself on the receiving end of a disturbing lawsuit that alleges he raped his former trainer Britney Taylor.

The lawsuit alleges Brown "exposed himself and kissed her without her consent" in the first incident in June of 2017. In the second incident she alleges "Later that month, Brown, while positioned behind her, began masturbating near her without her knowledge and ejaculated on her back". The women then claimed Brown a year later on May 20th, 2018, "cornered her, forced her down onto a bed, pusher her face into the mattress, and forcibly raped her."

Brown's accuser published a series of graphic messages in the report with Brown repeatedly calling her a 'weak b*tch', and a 'sick a** h** and also referenced Brown ejaculating on her back, like her suit alleged.

Check out the full audio below as Clay answers legal questions that followers of this case may have concerning the information we currently know.

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