Terry Bradshaw: "Our superstars feel empowered by their fame and fortune. Aaron Rodgers is phenomenal, but he has the worst footwork I've seen in a starting quarterback. He's amazingly accurate but his footwork is all over the place. They are pampered. Many coaches would say he deserves to be pampered. He signed a contract. if you want to be like Tom Brady, play out your contract and move on. He has no right to get the GM fired. I support Green Bay here. Make him come back. Or he can retire and go do Jeopardy." (Full Segment Above)
Listen to NFL Hall of Famer and four-time Super Bowl champion Terry Bradshaw join The Herd to discuss his recent comments towards Aaron Rodgers that went viral on Monday, as Bradshaw said that Rodgers was coming off as ‘weak’ for his prolonged misgivings about the franchise drafting Jordan Love last year.
Here were Bradshaw’s initial comments on WFAN’s Moose & Maggie show that became the biggest NFL news of the day following the Draft.
“With him being that upset just shows me how weak he is. Who the hell cares who you draft?? He’s a three-time MVP in the league and he’s worried about this guy they drafted last year at number one? And for him to be upset? My God, I don’t understand that. Pittsburgh drafted Mark Malone number one, Cliff Stoudt in the third or fourth round; I had them coming at me from all angles. I embraced it. So I don’t understand why he’s so upset at Green Bay.”
Check out the full segment above with Colin Cowherd.
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