How NBA Players Should Take a Stand on Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine

Jason Smith: If I were these players and I did not want to get vaccinated, for whatever reason. If I were scared if I'm just believing what my uncle told me that they're gonna track you in your blood, WHATEVER it was, the one thing I would say because this is what I believe in is: 'I don't believe in this rule. It's not right that government, and this is local government in New York and San Francisco, can make a rule that you can't play if you don't get the vaccine. That's not right. This is government overreach.' And that's what I would subscribe to and that's what I'd say if I were these players."

Listen as Jason Smith and Mike Harmon discuss the vaccination issue in the NBA as certain players may end up missing a great chunk of their home games due to their refusal to be vaccinated for COVID-19. Jason thinks a lot of players are reaching for the wrong excuses for refusing the shot and should instead concentrate on how wrong it is for the city/state government to force it on their players when other leagues have simply given stricter protocols for unvaccinated players.

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