Pro Bowl Turned Two-Hand Touch

Photo: Ethan Miller

Dan Patrick tuned into the Pro Bowl yesterday and was surprised to find that it had devolved into a game of two-hand touch. He wasn’t the only one perplexed as numerous others called out the NFL for the complete lack of contact. Dan isn’t too disappointed since the game means nothing and it looked like the players were having fun, but it was a little strange to see.

Dan Patrick: “The game looked a little bit more like slow-dancing there after a while, two-hand touch. And there was a moment where you go, ‘Wait a minute, the officials have to know that all you have to do is put two hands on somebody,’ and then they’re blowing the whistle. Now they started out playing football, and then it sort of devolved or morphed into two-hand touch there... I would like to have had an interview asking somebody like Maxx Crosby, ‘Hey Maxx, when did it turn into two-hand touch?’ Because I don’t know if this was both sides saying, ‘Hey, let’s just play two-hand touch,’ or if it was the officials had to be in on this! Because, if not, then you’re just putting your hand on ‘em, they’re not going to blow the whistle. And then they did blow the whistle on Mac Jones and I thought, you know, this is a real two-hand touch with fully padded players.”

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