Kansas Won Less Than North Carolina Lost

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Today on The Odd Couple, Chris Broussard and Rob Parker had a difference of opinion when it came to Kansas taking home the title after their historic comeback to beat North Carolina for the championship on Monday night.

Chris Broussard: "Depending on how you look at it, a great comeback and rally by Kansas or a colossal collapse by the Tar Heels. Which side are you on?"

Rob Parker: "It was a choke job, Chris Broussard!... North Carolina was the second 8th seed to ever make it to the championship, and there's a reason why. Maybe UNC just wasn't that good. Maybe they just had Duke's number this year, and it was one of those things, and they didn't really belong in the championship game. We got robbed! We should have saw Duke!"

Listen to the full segment above!

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