Joey Votto: If You Have to Ask, It’s Probably a No


Cincinnati Reds 1B, Joey Votto stops by for a very entertaining interview on The Dan Patrick Show. They hit a wide range of topics including his altercation with Cubs P, Rowan Wick, which pitcher he’d want to be if he had to trade careers, and whether he he’s done enough in his career to make it into the Hall of Fame. He believes that statistics aren’t the true determining factor for the Hall of Fame instead it’s the perception of the media. In other words, if you have to ask, that means he is probably not a Hall of Famer.

Dan Patrick: “What do you think you need for the Hall of Fame?”

Joey Votto: “...It doesn’t matter how many hits; I need people like you to not ask that question. In that, what do I need to be a Hall of Famer? I need Dan Patrick to say, ‘Future Hall of Famer Joey Votto,’ as opposed to, ‘What do you need?’ And so...”

Dan: “Do you think you’re a future Hall of Famer?”

Joey: “If you’re asking me how many hits I need, the answer is probably no, if that makes sense. So, I don’t know, and I don’t have a vote, and I’m really in a place in my career where I want to play well, but if you’re asking the question how many hits do you need, the answer is: maybe no.”

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