Cam Newton’s Opinion Matters More Than Yours

Photo: Emma McIntyre

Former NFL MVP Cam Newton had some critical comments about Dak Prescott, Brock Purdy and a few other current NFL quarterbacks, calling them “game managers.” Fans are pretty upset at having their favorite QB’s maligned and have been crushing Newton for his controversial opinion, but Doug reminds those fans that Cam Newton knows a hell of a lot more about what it takes to be an NFL QB than any of those armchair warriors.

Doug Gottlieb: “You’re telling me a guy who’s a former MVP of the NFL, who took a team to the Super Bowl, a Heisman Trophy winner...and you know more about quarterbacks and how much they’re asked to do than he does? That’s just where we have too much fan arrogance....Look dude, your opinion doesn’t matter. His actually does.”

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