Chris Broussard: Kyrie Irving's Postgame Tweet Was A Coping Mechanism

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On today's edition of The Odd Couple with Chris Broussard & Rob Parker, Chris and Rob dissect Kyrie Irving's postgame tweet after losing Game 5 of the NBA Finals. 

Chris Broussard: "I think the tweet was a coping mechanism, especially when you have a public failure. I've done this. I mean I I turned inward to my family, you know, I got great things going on, and I mean it, but these things are more important than my job. That's the thought process of just looking at how this is just one aspect of his life, 'I am more than a basketball player who just lost in the Finals, in fact, who didn't even play well in the Finals, I'm more than that.' But I don't think he needed to tweet it. 
Rob Parker: "It was just inappropriate timing. It doesn't mean after it's all over that you kind of diminish what has happened in front of you. It's disappointing. I get it. No one's saying it's the end of the world and you should go bury yourself in the house for the next three months and you can't show your face. Fans don't want to hear that, nobody wants to hear that.” 

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