Jason Whitlock Calls Deion Sanders a 'Jackass' After Awkward Media Incident

Watch Jason Whitlock of Blaze TV’s Fearless call out ‘jackass’ Deion Sanders after an extremely awkward press conference where Sanders was needlessly acting aggressive towards local media members, and seemingly stirring up petty theatrics with every question he took.

Whitlock called the press conference ‘embarrassing’, and said Sanders was acting like a ‘petulant, spoiled child’ who is above reproach. Whitlock said Sanders was a ‘coward’ for going after small-time newspaper columnists who were simply doing their job as opinion writers, and further showed us how he has zero idea what he’s doing as the ‘leader’ of a major college football program. 

Check out the segment above as Whitlock says Sanders is a ‘feminine, fragile, fraud’ that thinks the media is below him, and a guy that is insanely insecure.

Jason Whitlock: “In 1992, I moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan to cover the ‘Fab Five’ basketball team. Their head coach was a guy named Steve Fisher. He went on to become a very successful coach at San Diego State, and had success at Michigan. I used to shred this guy in the Ann Arbor news on a weekly basis. He never did this kind of cowardly stuff that Deion Sanders is doing. This isn’t what men do. I was brutal on Steve Fisher. Not out of any animus, but I didn’t think Steve Fisher had control of the ‘Fab Five’ team. I know they had some success, but it was all based on talent. They would get into big spots against disciplined, well-coached teams and they would get exposed. I remember I wrote a story about their stats and lack of success against Bobby Knight, Mike Krzyzewski, and Gene Keady. They would give them fits. Steve Fisher and I went at it for two solid years and he never pulled this kind of crap. Did he like me? No. Did he talk about me behind my back? Yes. This level of cowardice I just haven’t seen.
Some of you are saying ‘deioN iS jUsT tOUGh! HE wON’T TaKe It! HE’s StAndIng up!’... No. He’s pulling a Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris won’t engage with the media. Deion Sanders, unless you genuflect in front of him and bow down... He started out his comments to Sean Keeler like ‘yOu DOn’t LIke mE! You dON’t LiKe Us! I DoN’t KnOw HOW YOU DO tHIS!’... That’s what an 11-year-old girl would say. This is childish. It’s not modeling the behavior for young men that you want to see them to grow into be. This is petulant, this is a spoiled child. A spoiled athlete who has never transitioned into being a legitimate leader and head coach.
I don’t care about the games he won at Jackson State. We’ve seen talented teams overcome horrendous coaching and horrible leadership. You can buy your way and cut corners on your way to the top. It’s even preferred now in modern America. But people trying to defend this?? People are like ‘‘yEaH, tHeY DeSeRvE It!’... Sean Keeler is harmless. Newspapers have been totally emasculated and eviscerated. They don’t really matter. This dude is harmless, and Deion is acting like the guy threw a nuclear weapon at him. While snorting every 45 seconds in sunglasses. If you couldn’t see it and someone just described to you ‘hey, there’s a coach who showed up to an indoor press conference in dark sunglasses, every 45 seconds he’s snorting, he has no command of the English language, he’s being combative, feisty, and answering questions that haven’t been asked' – you'd be like, ‘is Bubbles from The Wire the head coach of Colorado??’... If you didn’t know it was a Hall of Fame football player, you’d have all sorts of questions. Is this Pookie from New Jack City?? That’s what it looks like. Deion needs help. All of this butt-kissing, genuflecting, and idolatry is destroying Deion.  
I’m expecting them to win four or five games this year. I’m not building up like ‘HEY, I’M WORRIED THEY’RE GONNA WIN 8,9, 10 GAMES!’ and I’ll be embarrassed. I couldn’t care less at the end of the day... I take it back... Because I want Deion exposed for the fraud that he is. But if he has success, it doesn’t justify this behavior. It just speaks to how corrupt this modern culture is and what we’ve done to sports. Character and true leadership don’t matter anymore.  
Here’s a man with a very limited command of the language, a very limited vocabulary, a man, who if you talk to anybody, skipped virtually every class at Florida State University, trying to pick a fight and correct people. A guy said ‘hey, you bolstered your offensive line’ and Deion goes off on some tangent about he should have used the word ‘improved.’ He’s just combative and arguing for no reason. He’s in over his head. This is a jackass. Great athlete, but not that smart at all. He thinks he’s playing chess; he’s playing checkers. When you bully people and don’t engage with people, don’t expect them to be enthusiastic or know what to ask you other than to genuflect in front of you. You’re unprofessional and no one is holding you to any standard. You don’t have a boss at Colorado who can walk you through it. No one can walk you through it because you think you’re the smartest man in every room. And really you’re the most insecure and you’re the most fragile person.  
Deion is a good-looking guy, he’s famous, he puts on all the gold, the jewelry, the sunglasses, and looks the part, but trust me – when you get to be 57 years old and you’re forcing people to call you by some childhood nickname and you’re throwing on gold chains and jewelry, it’s all insecurity. When you have real self-confidence, the jewelry becomes irrelevant, the sunglasses become irrelevant, and your critics to some degree become irrelevant.”

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