Clay Travis Calls Out Political Correctness & NBA Banning the Term 'Owner'

Clay Travis: “We used to not allow the dumbest group of people in the country lead us but then social media happened. We have entered into such an absurd politically correct society. The term ‘owner’ is not remotely racially insensitive and the fact we are bending our language to reflect the stupidity of people is a sign that our society is fundamentally on the wrong track.”

Listen to Clay Travis call out Adam Silver and the NBA for their recent decision to ban the term ‘owner’ in usage among official language in all NBA related material going forward. The league issued a statement saying they will now refer to the designation as 'governor'.

Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green, most notably, started the trend of derision around the term when he talked about it on LeBron James’ barbershop show that discussed the perceived racial connotations involving white men running basketball teams with a majority of black players, and being called the ‘owner’ of the team.

Clay Travis says it’s not the NBA’s problem that players aren’t intelligent enough to be able to clearly define what ‘owner’ means in regards to its actual definition in business and finance, and says Adam Silver and the league caved to social media stupidity led by a tiny, yet obnoxiously vocal, perpetually offended Twitter mob.

Check out the audio above as Clay says the term ‘owner’ isn’t racially insensitive whatsoever and says this is one of the most idiotic controversies he’s ever heard of.

NBA Considering Banning the Term 'Owner' Because of Racial Connotations

Clay Travis comments on a recent report that says the NBA is considering getting rid of the term 'owner' because of the word's ties to slavery.

NBA Considering Getting Rid of the Term 'Owner' Because of Ties to Slavery

Listen to Rob Parker and Chris Broussard explain why they think it's a ridiculous proposition to get rid of the term 'owner' in the NBA.

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