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NBA Fans Shouldn't Want the Houston Rockets' Brand of Basketball to Succeed

Listen to Colin Cowherd explain why the average NBA fan who despises the Golden State Warriors dynasty shouldn’t exactly be going out of their way to root for the Houston Rockets either.

Despite the dynasty’s seemingly bulletproof body armor, the Rockets have been their only adversaries who could actually inflict damage on this Kevin Durant-anchored Warriors team. But should NBA fans tired of Golden State’s esteemed success REALLY want them to be eliminated from these playoffs??

Check out the audio below as Colin explains why no basketball fan should support a Houston Rockets brand of basketball based on offensive analytics and foul calls that is a nicer way of explaining a style featuring a tireless onslaught of three-point shots and flopping that has often made their games unwatchable.

NBA Fans Shouldn't Want the Houston Rockets' Brand of Basketball to Succeed