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Clay Travis Praises Jurgen Klopp for His Answer to Coronavirus Question

Clay Travis Praises Jurgen Klopp for His Answer to Coronavirus Question

Clay Travis is reacting to the viral video of Liverpool Manager Jurgen Klopp, and his response to a reporter who asked him a question regarding the Coronavirus. Klopp went on a bit of a rant about how silly the idea of asking a soccer coach a question about a serious medical topic is, and his video has been viewed and shared by millions of people across the United States and the rest of the world.

Clay argues that the reason this clip is so popular is because people in general are exhausted by athletes and coaches preaching about topics that they are not experts on. Klopp essentially said that he did not know what to do about the Coronavirus and thought asking him, the manager of a football club, what people should be doing about the virus, is a ridiculous proposition (plus his accent and hat remark make it even more entertaining.)

Click the link & play-button to hear the full audio.