Chris Broussard & Rob Parker react to LeBron James retracting his recent statements from last week where he was adamant that he would not be playing any games if fans could not be in attendance. LeBron said the following:
"We play games without the fans? Nah, that's impossible. I ain't playin. We ain't got the fans in the crowd? That's who I play for...If I show up to an arena and there ain't no fans in there, I ain't playin.'"
A few days later, it seems LeBron has changed his tune. Whether it was a mandate by the NBA or the fact that the entire country is a bit frenzied about the spread of the virus, LeBron said the following today:
"You gotta listen to the people that are keeping track of what's going on, & if they feel it's best for the safety of the mandate that, then we all listen to it.”
Chris Broussard & Rob Parker (in the audio below) discuss their reaction to this news and how the seriousness of this virus has LeBron James swapping humor with concern. Broussard thinks James was caught off guard, but Parker believes James should've exercised a bit of caution with coronavirus questions.