Photo: Andy Lyons
Titans RB Derrick Henry broke off a huge run to help Tennessee pick up a win over the Bills last night and currently leads the NFL in rushing by over 200 yards. NFL teams simply aren’t geared toward stopping the run in this pass-happy era, which allows Henry to run with impunity. Dan Patrick likens it to focusing an NBA offense on a guy like Shaquille O’Neal in this era of 3-point shooting; nobody is prepared to play against that old school style of ball.
Dan Patrick: “In some ways the Titans running back Derrick Henry feels like he belongs in a different era because today’s NFL is all about the passing game and running backs are probably judged by their ability to catch passes and maybe pick up blitzes. No longer do teams run to set up the pass, they pass to make the run a little easier. Henry and the Titans turned that formula on its head a couple years ago, and they’re not trying to fool you. They let you know Derrick Henry’s coming right at you, just try to stop him. And last night the Bills couldn’t, well, at least on one run, a 76-yarder that helped Tennessee pick up the win. Derrick Henry is leading the league in rushing by over 200 yards through six weeks. Teams aren’t geared to stop Derrick Henry.”