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Today on 2 Pros and a Cup of Joe, Brady Quinn and Jonas Knox react to Odell Beckham Jr. reportedly seeking a deal worth $20M/year, following his open workout last week.
Jonas Knox: "I've never seen anybody get their water carried for them more than the media does for Odell Beckham Jr. He's a great player when he's healthy, but he hasn't been healthy in four years and he's going to be 31 in November. The idea that all of a sudden we forget all about that and go, 'But it's Odell Beckham. Here you go. Here's $20 million a year. We loved your workout in March while everybody else was getting ready to watch the Oscars.' I don't get it. I don't know if it's people just working overtime to get the messaging out there or if there's legitimate serious interest, but none of it makes sense."
Brady Quinn: "Can he play great for periods of time? Yes. Can he sustain it throughout a 17 game season? That's the big question. And look, there might be a team that's out there that's looking at this draft class for receivers and says, we feel like there's a few top guys but no one can bring us what we need, at least in the short term. And they might sign him to a deal that's $26-30 million in guarantees for a four year deal, but it's really a two year deal if you catch my drift.
Whatever is being peddled out there, when you hold a workout and you invite teams out, everything's gonna be coming from that players camp and that's probably where that number is coming from."