Photo: Candice Ward
Jason Smith: “Media Day was always its own thing, it was its own news cycle, it was his own entity and probably in the last 10 years... the biggest brain cramp the NFL has had in something they’ve done where how do you find a way to not take advantage of a day on the calendar? You have media day on Monday night where stuff gets lost because there’s NBA action, there’s other things going on. You get 3 hours of media availability and are we really talking about what goes on. When you had media day, you had all day... the sound that was got at media day, whatever crazy reporters that were there, whatever crazy questions that were asked... that stuff lived for like 24 it was a story from middle of the day on Tuesday all the way through Tuesday night into Wednesday... and now it’s media night happens and it’s a couple of hours and nothing trends, nothing lasts, nothing becomes a talking point. The NFL has lost an entire day of Super Bowl media cycle and I don’t understand why... like really I fail to understand how they can sit here and tell me well moving this to Monday night has worked out well.”
Jason Smith: “The NFL has dined out on relevancy for the last 30 years plus and they took something that was a big deal on the calendar that had a 24 hour news cycle and turned it into something hey we are just going to get this done and get it over with. There’s no place to enjoy the fun stuff and the crazy stuff that goes on because it’s done and then the next day we are on to whatever else. There’s no time for these stories to gestate and appreciate them. This is one of the worst decisions the NFL has made in the last 10 years.”
On the latest episode of The Jason Smith Show, Jason Smith and Mike Harmon discuss the impact of Super Bowl Media Day being scheduled on a Monday night. Listen to the full segment above!