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Eagles Tampering Allegations Are Confusing and Pointless

Photo: Elsa

The Philadelphia Eagles have denied allegations of illegal tampering and Dan Patrick is confused. He and the Danettes attempt to decipher the difference between legal and illegal tampering in the NFL, which turns out to be just as confusing as it sounds. Whatever the rules are; they seem to have been ignored for years anyway so, why bother busting the Eagles?

Dan Patrick: “Do the Eagles have to give up like a 5th round draft pick or something if they’re found guilty of tampering, legal tampering, or illegal tampering? So there’s an illegal tampering window, and then there’s the legal tampering window, and then there’s just the free agency window...I don’t know how important it is to bust them but I always found it interesting that right before free agency would start, it’d be like 12:01 and somebody would announce that they’re signing with a team. So, they got a deal done in 60 seconds. That’s really impressive! [LAUGHTER] There’s been tampering for decades in the NFL, and now you have that silly legal tampering, and then you have free agency.”