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No Need to Mourn OJ Simpson’s Death

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OJ Simpson has died after succumbing to cancer according to his family who posted news of his passing on his verified X account this morning. Doug Gottlieb recounts the details of the double –murder for which he was acquitted and can’t seem to find it in himself to mourn the passing of a man who most of us believe was guilty. While any death is sad, “Rest in Peace” may not be the appropriate sentiment at this time.

Doug Gottlieb: “OJ Simpson died from cancer. Good...sad, but good. Not sad because he died from cancer or that he had kids who are mourning the loss of their dad, I understand that, but a guy who would not give the peace needed to the families of the two victims whose lives I think most of us believe he ended. And if you wanted to say he didn’t end their lives; if he didn’t, he damn sure knows who did. So...good.”