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Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving Are Not Close to Being the Best Backcourt Duo

Photo: David Berding

Jason Smith: “This debate is stupid because you have two players who together are one win from the NBA Finals. Meanwhile, Steph (Curry) and Klay (Thompson), Kobe (Bryant) and Derek Fisher, Parker (Tony) and Ginobli (Manu) all have 4 rings. Not they were one win away from getting to the Finals, these guys all have 4 rings. You know what this is? This is a lazy debate by people in the media and on TV and the radio who can’t think of anything else better to talk about. They are out of topics because the NBA playoffs are too long for everybody. It’s clear that they are not even close. All you have to do is look back at Steph and Klay. It just happened. It’s not like Steph and Klay were in the 80’s. Okay someone doesn’t remember how good Magic (Johnson) and Byron Scott were, I can understand that because you’re talking about something before my time Okay but Steph and Klay just happened.”

Jason Smith and Mike Harmon of The Jason Smith Show explain why the recent debate over the best backcourt in NBA history is ridiculous considering recent history. Listen to the full segment below!