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Caitlin Clark vs. Aaron Judge: Covino & Rich Apply the ‘Mom Test’

Covino & Rich have been filling in for Dan Patrick the past few mornings so Dan Beyer, Kerry Rhodes & Monse Bolaños have been covering their afternoon show and they instigated a social media storm that blindsided everyone. Reacting to the reception Caitlin Clark received from Aaron Judge when she attended a recent New York Yankees game, they considered who was the more famous athlete, Clark or Judge? The hilarity ensues as Covino & Rich apply the “mom test” to end the debate once and for all.

Steve Covino: “This could be a ‘prisoner of the moment’ situation where maybe right now and in the moment it’s Caitlin Clark but overall...”

Rich Davis: “Well, dude, that moment’s been like two years now!”

Steve Covino: “Yeah, but dude, Aaron Judge is a phenom, superstar...”