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This Feels More like the End than the Rebirth of Russell Wilson’s Career

Photo: Joe Sargent

Russell Wilson was officially named the starting quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers today and Doug is concerned considering this should have been a no-brainer, and it clearly wasn’t. The fact that Justin Fields was able to make a competition of it illustrates just how far Wilson has tumbled from his Super Bowl winning form. If he doesn’t finish this season as the starter for any reason other than injury, we’ll never see him start another game in the NFL.

Doug Gottlieb: “If he’s not the starter at the end of the season due to anything other than injury, you won’t see Russell Wilson as a starter, game 1, ever again. That’s literally what he’s up against. This is either the rebirth of his career or the end of his career, and it feels more like end than the rebirth.”