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Vince Young Hires Agent, Planning NFL Comeback

PFT - Vince Young is hoping his football career isn’t over.

Young has hired agent Leigh Steinberg, who announced on Twitter today that Young has a “dream of playing more football.”

That Steinberg used the word “dream” suggests that he and Young realize it will be an uphill battle to get back to the NFL. Young hasn’t played in a regular season game since 2011, when he threw four touchdown passes and nine interceptions for the Eagles. He has spent time with the Bills, Packers and Browns since then but never made it past the preseason.

Okay let me get this straight. Vince Young, THAT Vince Young, the one who hasn't played in five entire years Vince Young, wants to make a comeback now? A quick google search shows me that he is 33 years old, which isn't a ridiculous age to make a return to the NFL, but this can't be real right?

A better way to look at this scenario is as a member of an NFL front office. If Vince Young is able to resurrect his talent to even half of what it used to be, he will be good enough to make an NFL roster. He was a very good player, and he would find a spot on a team if not only to serve as a locker room influence on younger players with the wrong mindset. Now, there are probably 5 or 6 NFL teams who bring in QB after QB to workout for them hoping one sticks, so if he does get a return in the works the chances will be there.

Could this happen? What do you think?


It looks like Vince Young's agent has already got his client some opportunities in the Canadian Football League!!!!