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Jeanie Buss Derails Family Efforts to Remove her as Lakers President

LA TIMES - Jeanie Buss has thwarted an effort by her brothers, Jim and Johnny, to oust her as the Lakers president and controlling owner as the behind the scenes battle for control of the franchise moved into the courtroom.

Attorneys for Jeanie Buss sought a temporary restraining order in Los Angeles County Superior Court on Friday to prevent the brothers from holding a meeting next week to elect a new board of directors for the team that didn’t include her. In order to be the controlling owner, she has to be a director.

“This is no doubt the beginning and not the end of the game-playing,” Adam Streisand, the attorney for Jeanie Buss, told The Times. “They don’t have a legal leg to stand on. This is a legal strategy doomed for failure.”

Ah yes, a tale as old as time. 

A man with a family controls a supremely valuable entity, said man passes away, and the children fight amongst themselves to claim rightful ownership of the entity. George Clooney made a movie about that, pretty sure it sucked.

What does it say about the state of the Los Angeles Lakers when the rich and entitled children who control the team are playing tug of war like the multi-billion dollar franchise is a freaking XBOX controller? What about the product on the floor? Where is the excitement? 

Oh, the team has collapsed and is experiencing a rebuild? That's cute, rebuilding after what? The Lakers have been bad for a while now. This is getting out of hand.

Lakers fans have heard more about Jim Buss and his weird hair than they have about Brandon Ingram and his development. It seems like the news is coming from Jeanie Buss and her nervous media appearances and not the lack of progress D'Angelo Russell has made. They've lost 42 games already, but who cares, Magic Johnson just tweeted.

This is the same old crap from a franchise who masks failing products on the court by creating a narrative off of it. We are only one more 3 game losing streak away from a Kobe re-re-return comeback tour so no one talks about trading Lou Williams.