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James Dolan is Keeping Phil Jackson to Remain His Human Shield

“I really think James Dolan looks at Phil Jackson and says ‘hey, at least we’ll stay interesting and I’m not going to be the one taking all the heat.’”

Despite being the league’s biggest punchline year in and year out, Jonas Knox thinks Knicks owner James Dolan loves having his team in the limelight. ‘Any publicity is good publicity is one thing’, but Knox believes Dolan is using Phil Jackson as a human shield as well.

“It shades James Dolan from being known as the worst owner in sports because Phil’s getting a lot of the blame,” Knox said.

Knox thinks at the very least, if they Knicks can’t be good on the court, at least they can be good at getting all the headlines with Phil Jackson still around manning the traveling circus.

 “If you’re going to be terrible and if you’re going to be bad why not make a little money while you’re at it?”