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Why is No One Considering a LeBron James Trade?

2016 NBA Finals - Game Four

LeBron James clearly has a no-trade clause. Congratulations if you've just read us acknowledging that point in this article before you've tweeted "He has a no-trade clause you idiot" at us on Twitter. You are among the few. 

LeBron James would waive his no-trade clause for the right team because that's how these things work. If he truly doesn't want to finish his career in Cleveland, which all the odd messages coming out of Cleveland have seemingly implied, he would be willing to listen to some possible destinations. 

In much the same light as Paul George, why wouldn't the Cavs want to possibly bring a TON of assets into their organization instead of letting LBJ walk next year? Doesn't that seem the most likely scenario? 

Clay Travis explains all this and wonders why the hypothetical isn't being discussed anywhere else. Subscribe to the podcast and listen to the audio below: