Watch Jason Whitlock of Blaze TV’s Fearless explain why he believes Caitlin Clark has become such a polarizing figure in the WNBA despite her being one of the most beloved women’s college athletes ever, as Whitlock believes there’s a large faction of ‘angry lesbians’ in the WNBA who despise everything that Clark represents.
Check out the segment above as Whitlock details the real reason Clark was snubbed from the U.S. Olympic team, chalking it up to the ‘Alphabet Mafia’ choosing ‘bigotry over business’, and wanting to suppress the spotlight Clark has single-handedly brought to women’s basketball.

[First Take discussing whether women’s professional basketball missed out on a major opportunity of growing the WNBA by rejecting Caitlin Clark from the U.S. Olympic team]
Stephen A. Smith: “Marketing matters. It’s how you get paid. If you don’t know that, you better hear me and hear me good. You are going to be underpaid for the rest of what I believe will be an illustrious career unless you get your mind right about that marketing. IT MATTERS.”
Andrea Carter: “I hear you, Stephen A., but I will NOT sacrifice my basketball knowledge and my integrity in terms of the game for marketing. My marketing is doing just fine.”
Jason Whitlock: “I’m telling you, this young woman [Andrea Carter] is delusional. Someone needs to say ‘Andrea, is this about your ‘integrity’, your 'values’, or is this about your sexual identity? Because, trust me, that’s what is at the heart of all of this – sexual identity. Andrea Carter plays on that LGBTQ+ team and Caitlin Clark doesn’t. The Alphabet Mafia hates Caitlin Clark, so Andrea Carter says ‘WE DON’T CARE ABOUT MARKETING!’... She’s just like ‘The Alphabet team; we’re winning. We’re very comfortable with our marketing. We control America right now.'
Have you looked at the trend line? Have you looked at what’s going on with your kids all over America? Your kids are 10 maybe 20x more likely than my generation to identify as LGBTQ. That’s Andrea Carter’s agenda, and that’s the whole agenda of the WNBA. It’s the promotion of the Alphabet crew. She’s like ‘WE DON’T CARE ABOUT TV RATINGS, WE’RE HERE FOR MORE POWER, NOT POPULARITY. AND WE’RE DOING JUST FINE PLAYING THIS VICTIM, HOLDING MEN HOSTAGE, AND BLAMING THEM FOR THE FAILURE OF THE WNBA. WE’RE TAKING OVER NOT ONLY BASKETBALL, BUT ALL OVER CORPORATE AMERICA’...
LGBTQ is the preferred group for any and every job. They want to remain victims, that’s how they’re seizing power. So if Caitlin Clark turns this league profitable, they’re no longer victims. You’re generating money but you don’t have the right face... They want the money and they want to stand on their own feet, but they don’t want to credit men for financing it, and they don’t want to credit a heterosexual White woman for making their league profitable. They want an LGBTQ, Black Lives Matter soldier to be the face of this league, and to be the person credited with turning the league around. They tried to make Brittney Griner, 6’8”, man, woman, who knows what, deep voice, we’ve invited her to the White House... Brittney Griner checked all the boxes. And ‘OH, MY GOD, SHE’S IMPRISONED IN RUSSIA! SHE’S NELSON MANDELA!’... WE WANTED HER TO GET THE CREDIT FOR MAKING THIS LEAGUE POPULAR! NOT SOME LITTLE CATHOLIC WHITE WOMAN WITH A BOYFRIEND!’...
Stephen A. and Shannon can’t go there. You can’t have this conversation and you can’t challenge this woman at a real level. All of these conversations in corporate media where they install these women, it’s to make the conversation dishonest. It’s to remove truth and essential facts from the conversation. There are things you cannot say as a man to a woman publicly or you will be cancelled. That’s why this entire conversation is distorted and we can’t get to the essential truth.
The Minnesota Lynx coach, Cheryl Reeve, is the head basketball coach of Team USA. She doesn’t like Caitlin Clark. She wants a butch superstar to be the leader of the league. This is an agenda, not about popularity. This is the long war that they’re winning, and if they’ve got to kill Caitlin Clark to continue with their long war, that’s what they’ll do. She’s on record with her having a problem with Caitlin Clark, you can go find it on their Twitter feed. If you don’t think these women are angry about ‘HOLD ON, CAITLIN CLARK?? DID YOU WATCH THE WNBA DRAFT? THEY ACTUALLY PRESENTED THEMSELVES AS WOMEN! AS FEMININE WOMEN!’... You look at that Minnesota Lynx team and how they were promoting themselves – do you think they wanna go the ‘feminine’ direction? Do you think they want a Catholic heterosexual White woman as the face of their league? This stuff is so obvious but it can’t be talked about. But we can talk about it here, and that’s why this show is a blessing.
They don’t want more Caitlin Clarks, and they don’t want the league to lean Caitlin Clark’s direction. Caitlin Clark and this new class of players are disrupting this lesbian league. People are irate about it and Caitlin Clark is going to pay a price. And you wonder why Andrea Carter is sitting there very confidently talking to Stephen A. Smith saying ‘I’m perfectly fine with the marketing, we’re doing just fine. We don’t need Caitlin Clark, we don’t need to grow the game THIS way. Not with some heterosexual White woman who presents herself in a feminine fashion. We want to grow the game with an Alphabet Mafia soldier.’ They’re putting Caitlin Clark on the back-burner and choosing bigotry – their lifestyle – over business.
They want the gay/lesbian thing promoted, and they want the worship of Black skin color promoted. They're saying 'Caitlin, you can be heterosexual, but you just need to be an ally, and come out in support of Black gay women. Drop to your knees and say 'BOY, IF IT WASN'T FOR THIS GROUP OF LESBIAN WOMEN, THE WNBA WOULDN'T EXIST! THESE LESBIAN BLACK WOMEN HAVE BEEN CARRYING THIS LEAGUE!'...
And those would be lies. What Caitlin Clark should say and what ALL of them should say is 'Man, if it wasn't for these MEN that started the NBA, we wouldn't exist, and we damn sure wouldn't be flying private anywhere.'"
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