Here's the Colts press conference that occurred shortly after Josh McDaniels backed down from the Head Coach Gig.
Jason Smith refers to the conference above and believes that Josh McDaniels' reputation will suffer severely for backing down from the Colts head coach position at the last minute.
Jeffrey Gorman offers some insight on Josh McDaniels agent Bob LaMonte. McDaniels' move looks even worse...
Colin Cowherd thinks Bob Kraft made one hell of case to make Josh McDaniels stay.
Doug Gottlieb puts himself in McDaniels shoes and thinks about life and family.
Clay Travis is of the mind that you don't change jobs if you're happy where you are.
Ben Maller thinks Colts are better off without Josh McDaniels.
Jason Smith thinks McDaniels was given some kind of promise.
JT the Brick thinks Josh McDaniels sees the Patriots' chaos as an opportunity.
Steve Gorman was first to discuss the breaking news on the air!