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Tilman Ferttita Supporting Trump Leading to ā€˜Revoltā€™ Among Rockets Players

Tilman Ferttita Supporting Trump Leading to ā€˜Revoltā€™ Among Rockets Players
Ric Bucher: ā€œI immediately thought this was Daryl Morey leaving, and Mike Dā€™Antoni leaving, and Russell Westbrook and James Harden going ā€˜no offense to Stephen Silas or Rafael Stone, but we donā€™t want a starter kit, weā€™re playing for a championship.' No matter how much you regard Stephen Silas or Stone, these guys are brand new at the job, and whatā€™s our expectation that theyā€™re going to be able to make the moves necessary for us to leapfrog the Lakers. But what I heard is ā€” and we know how much politics and political position had to do with the boycott and protests during the Bubble ā€” Iā€™m hearing that Tilman Fertittaā€™s strong Republican support and donations is one of the things that is contributing to this dissatisfaction, and those two [Westbrook and Harden] are not the only ones to want out of Houston. Lesser players are of the same mind. There is a revolt here because they look at Fertitta as a guy who supports the current President.ā€ (Full Segment Above)

Listen to senior Bleacher Report writer and longtime NBA reporter Ric Bucher join The Odd Couple with Chris Broussard and Rob Parker to discuss intimate details of the ongoing leveling of the Houston Rockets roster, including Bucher saying that Rocketsā€™ owner Tilman Fertittaā€™s support for President Donald Trump is leading to a ā€˜revoltā€™ amongst Rockets players, including Russell Westbrook and James Harden, who are both unexpectedly tied into ongoing trade rumors.

Bucher says that he initially believed that the termination of the Daryl Morey and Mike Dā€™Antoni era in Houston was making top Rockets players want to jump ship, but Bucher says that ā€˜Tilman Fertittaā€™s strong Republican support and donations is one of the things that is contributing to this dissatisfaction.ā€™

Bucher even added ā€˜there is a revolt here because they look at Fertitta as a guy who supports the current President.ā€™

Check out the audio above and the FULL segment below, as Bucher discusses what heā€™s hearing about this potential Harden to Brooklyn trade, and why Kyrie Irving might not be on board with it.

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